Vignettes of a Vixen

His chest was a double wide barrel that shot bullets at me, winking at me in the form of visible nipples straining against his tee shirt, the obvious irritation in his stance and demeanor making the blood course through them causing them to harden. Nice. 

I continued to observe this semi-caged specimen of a chocolate drop as he paced back in forth in panther-like form, rocking back on forth on his heels as he executed military style turns at the edge of each walk way that held him and his anger just at bay. 

I couldn’t make out but a few words as he would wait for his retreat to utter most of the harsh speech into the tiny phone trapped to his ear. A couple of times our gazes collided and instantly retreated like The Northern Lights. I chewed my food slowly, thoughtfully, as I observed this fine specimen of a man before me. 

I needed some dick. 

And he looked like he gave good dick. 

I reached for a napkin to wipe my lips as he made his journey back my way. My tongue snuck out to lick the sauce hovering in the corner of my mouth. Simultaneously our eyes met again. His eyes slightly widened then narrowed as my tongue made its slow sojourn across the lush valley of my lips. I slowly lowered my gaze as I lifted the napkin to my lips to finish the job. 

His mouth was slightly open, short breaths making his chest move a bit rapidly. I took a second to observe the play of chest muscles before allowing my gaze to travel up to the smooth dimples now perceptibly forming in the crevices of his cheeks. Across his face my gaze took its time, broadening the stroke to include his noble nose and the beautiful pair of eyes above them. 

Time stopped. 

The tinny sound of a woman’s voice was barely audible, like the proverbial soundtrack for the deed that we had just sealed in that moment. 


He looks like this is going to be some damn good dick.