Tight Spaces

I meet you, at the appointed time and place. I have removed my underwear as you requested. They have been placed in the glove box. The secluded parking structure is located in exactly the spot from which my GPS has been pinned by your phone. I pull straight in and cut the car off, and wait, legs spread in anticipation, as requested. I pull down the mirror to check my reflection and am startled when you slip wordlessly into the seat beside me. Your forearm brushes against my thigh as you lean over me to flip the mirror closed. You utter one syllable, “Beautiful”, simultaneously sliding your hand up towards my throat. Our eyes lock as our lips join hungrily. 

There is a sense of urgency to this mission although the lazy way in which your fingers reach for my breast say otherwise. As always these moments are breathless and weightless and heady all at the same time. The sound of gnashing teeth and whispered words fill our tiny space and place in time; hands exploring familiar territory, lips yearning for forbidden spaces. Hearts pounding. Members throbbing. Spaces vibrating. Chakras ignited.Eyes still closed. Lips slowly part. Earth reappears in the rear view mirror as I look to view what I’m sure are bruised and pinked lips. A sudden whoosh of air cools my heated skin. I look right and wonder if I still see the imprint of you there…

Or was it all just a dream? 

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